IRA MARUŠIČ was born in 1989 in Koper / Capodistria, Slovenia where she also lives and works. After graduating from the secondary school Ginnasio Gian Rinaldo Carli (2008), she enrolled at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, where she graduated (2012) with the thesis Il cuore nell'arte e nella medicina - The heart in art and medicine under the supervision of professors Carlo di Raco and Elena Ribero. She continued her postgraduate studies in Venice and obtained her Master's degree in Painting (2015) with professors Carlo di Raco and Aldo Grazzi with the thesis Il tempo e l'arte - Time and Art. "I live and work by the sea, which is part of my everyday life. In my concern for the environment, which we want to keep as pristine as possible for as long as possible also for future generations, it is natural that the sea touches me as an entity that we must protect. This is how the series of underwater paintings came into being."